T h e    S i t e    C o n t e n t :

Pages that can be accessed from the main menu:

  1. The "Home" page is the entrance to the Discrete Symbolic Dynamical Systems and Models site. It briefly discusses the way we perceive the world, consider dynamical systems, and model the systems' behavior.

  2. The "Content" page is this page.

  3. The "Download Kaleidoscope Project Desktop Applications" page provides two links to Discrete Symbolic Dynamical System Development and Simulating Environment and to Space Exploration Mission desktop applications.

  4. The "McLN Viewer" page presents several Discrete Symbolic Dynamical System models developed with the Multicolored Logical Net modeling formalism. All models are working examples. You can select a model from the "Examples" menu. Then you can: start, stop, do step-by-step simulation or reset model initial state with the control buttons.

  5. The "McLN MF" page provides a short and informal introductory definition of Multicolored Logical Net Modeling Formalism (McLN). It also describes McLN model structure and behavior.

  6. The "Contact Me" page has my e-mail address in case you would like to share feedback on the project, page design, or anything else that would make the site better.

For those who are curious and want to go deeper

The "About" page will tell you about the author of the site and the project presented.