Download "Kaleidoscope" Project Desktop Applications

The Kaleidoscope is a research and development project intended to explore and present Qualitative Dynamical Systems modeling and simulation technique. This page is to download two major desktop applications developed in the project:

  1. Qualitative Dynamical Systems Modeling & Simulation Environment (QDS MS Env). More on QDS MS Env application can be found on the page: "Kaleidoscope" Project.
  2. Space Exploration Mission [Agent Behavior Simulator] (SEM AB Sim). This application's behavior is supposed to be controlled by the McLN based controller developed in QDS MS Env as one of the models. More on SEM AB Sim application can be found on the page: "Kaleidoscope" Project.
M a c O S   D o w n l o a d s
Both Applications Are Digitally Signed by Author and Authenticated by Apple INC
Qualitative Dynamical Systems Modeling & Simulation Environment
Download "Kaleidoscope QDS MS Env" app as PKG-file
Space Exploration Mission [ Agent Behavior Simulator ]
Download "Kaleidoscope SEM AB Sim" app as PKG-file
W i n d o w s O S   D o w n l o a d s
Both Applications Are Digitally Signed by Author and Certified by Comodo Certificate Authority (Sectigo)
Qualitative Dynamical Systems Modeling & Simulation Environment
Download "Kaleidoscope QDS MS Env" app as MSI-file
Space Exploration Mission [ Agent Behavior Simulator ]
Download "Kaleidoscope SEM AB Sim" app as MSI-file